Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sprinkles Overload????

Yes. Jakarta Frosted in back in Jakarta.... after 5 weeks away on holiday!

We received two orders for delivery on Monday.... a dozen from the Cafe at hubby's office building, and another dozen from Cupcake Lover. And since Monday was also the start of the new School Year, we baked extras for our boys to share with their school mates. We baked both vanilla and chocolate cupcakes. Why have I used "we" instead of "I"??? That's because my hubby has been helping out in our little baking venture. He actually baked this batch of vanilla cupcakes. Though I piped the buttercream onto the cupcakes, he had a hand on the sprinkles. A HEAVY hand, I might add! ......till it's like SPRINKLES OVERLOAD!!!! What do you think?

Dozen for the Cafe

Dozen for Cupcake Lover

Whereas I would prefer something plain and simple like this.....


  1. i like how u piped the frosting on - esp the last one!

  2. i like that one too.
    and yes, it's sprinkles overload. haha


  3. I can't stop him from going overboard with the sprinkles. He kept on saying that NOT colourful enough and proceeds to do all sorts to add colours!!!!! I think simple and cohesive type of designs are much better.

