Saturday, August 29, 2009


After looking at all the recent PINK cupcakes made by my sisters recently, I was thus bitten by the PINK bug.....

I had two separate functions on Thursday - a coffee morning and a farewell lunch. What would be better than PINK cupcakes for a ladies get-together? I baked a BIG batch of mini cupcakes and frosted them in different shades of PINK.

For the Coffee Morning
The batch for the Farewell Lunch was exactly the same as above...

At the Coffee Morning, one of the moms from school ordered a batch of mini's for her daughter's birthday party this Saturday, i.e. today. :-)
As her daughter is into PINK, .....what do we have?

PINK Cupcakes!

I also had an order for a dozen of standard-sized cupcakes from hubby's colleague... another guy with a particularly sweet tooth. No. Not Cupcake Lover. :-)
Since I was in the groove of PINK PINK PINK, he gets PINK cupcakes too!

I just love to see them in the boxes...all tied up with the ribbons.

When he saw the cupcakes, he said these looked better than the last ones. I told H "that's because you didn't help me to decorate with the sprinkles!" hahahahahha...
Yes. Didn't you notice? There is NO multi-coloured sprinkles in sight! ...Hubby was away at work on Thursday and couldn't HELP me...and today, he was too tired to lift a finger.


  1. Nice!

    According to V, perhaps you're itching for a daughter too?

  2. Hahahha mebbe..???

    anyway i was gg to comment - i love your frosting! they look so pretty!

  3. Nope. I am not itching for a daughter. No sireeeee.... I'm quite happy to be the ONLY Princess in this house. Or should I say the QUEEN????
