Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Blue and Orange....

The colours requested for today's order......


Again....I had a hard time STOPPING my hubby from adding all sorts of sprinkles on the cupcakes (see previous post). I suggested ONLY blue flowers for the ones with orange frosting, and vice-versa....but again, he had other plans! There are some hundreds-n-thousands on the blue ones... and flowers of all sorts of colours (including pink, purple and what-nots!) on the orange ones..... I kept telling him BLUE and ORANGE ONLY!!!!!!

I giveeeeeee UP!

Anyway, while H was leaving the office yesterday....carrying some empty cupcake containers, he bumped into one of his colleagues..whom proceeded to order some cupcakes as well.
There were also some extra cupcakes...which my older boy will share with his mates! Btw, these sprinkles are done by me.... I should have asked hubby to do it since he enjoys doing it soooooooo much!!!!

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