Sunday, February 21, 2010

Gong Xi Fa Chai - Take 2!

If you don't already know..., Chinese New Year is celebrated for a total of 15 days. Today is actually Day 8. For many Hokkiens, tonight at midnight is the BIG prayers to "Thi Kong".

These 24 chocolate cupcakes were ordered by my friend, CL for her Vietnamese friend. Vietnamese celebrate their new year in accordance to the lunar calendar too. And they call it "Tet" for short.

Cupcakes all-lined up....
16 cupcakes ready to go into the box....

And two more boxes of 4s....

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  1. Very nice! You very patient lah, I'll be going nuts just doing the "mandarin oranges"

  2. Thanks.
    BTW, the mandarin oranges are easy. Just roll into balls only maaa.
