Friday, February 19, 2010

40th Birthday Cupcakes

It's a friend's fortieth birthday tomorrow and she had a small gathering today. I offered to make her birthday cake as I didn't know what else to give her. At first, I was planning to make the Valrhona chocolate cake as I know she loves that. But last night, her hubby texted me and said that there would be 30 people altogether. No way was the 9-inch cake gonna be enough. So I decided to make cupcakes. It was quite rushed as I decided to do the letterings, flowers and butterflies using fondant. I made banana cupcakes AND chocolate cupcakes. On top of that, my chocolate buttercream was NOT enough and I had to make another batch. Sigh. Needless to say, we were late, late, late for the party. But I'm happy to say that they were very well-received and the birthday girl loved them.


  1. somehow I feel when I make them, it's not as nice as this. :(

  2. actually your chocolate frosting looks quite "solid", how come mine always like more "lam" like that?

  3. too much milk? too warm? actually mine here was a bit soft but still okay la.

