Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Pineapple Tarts

My hubby has been harping about me lying to him... Cause I kept promising him that I will make him some pineapple tarts...and I kept postponing and postponing. Hehehe. The last time I made these tarts must be more than 3 years ago. I kid you not!

Anyway, I got the recipe from the Kenwood Site. This time however, I used Crisco instead of butter. The result is a very melt-in-the-mouth, light and crumbly tart. On hindsight, I should have used half-butter and half-Crisco...then at least I would get the rich buttery taste as well. Nevetheless, they taste mighty good! the way, I told H to just buy it from the shops in future. These tarts are rather time-consuming and tedious to make! Don't know how people can make and sell these tarts for a living. I just made one batch today and I was soooooooo tired.

1 comment:

  1. They look good!

    I've decided not to make them as my back has been torturing me! I went out and bought two tins! hahah
